by Louise Madden, President

A stated priority of the Timor-Leste government is to keep students at school. The GVFS scholarship program is funded by Geelong schools, organisations and individuals who commit to financial contributions for a 3-year period or longer.

Last year through this program we were able to award 60 scholarships. Thank you to Mariano DaSilva, the GVFS Project coordinator, and Chris Hansen who were able to hold a ceremony presenting the scholarships which was attended by the students, parents, school administrators and Education representatives.

I would like to draw your attention to the dwindling of support for the Scholarship Program in 2023. I do not think we have enough money for 60 scholarships this year, despite emails being sent as reminders a number of times. If this message serves as a reminder, please deposit your donation to the following account, making sure you include your name in the reference.

BSB 633000

Account No. 144110517

Account Name GVFS Scholarship Account

Students at Umori school with staff and Chris Hansen

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